Saturday, August 2, 2008

School Begins!!

06:35 am

And it's here -- the day I have been dreading and looking forward to. I want to write a long gushing piece about how I feel right now, but I have 15 minutes to get ready, so all I am going to say is --


02:00 am

I do realise that it can be misleading to have times from two consecutive days on a post, but since nights, days, weeks and months are apparently going to become one massive blur in my mind, I have come to the rather dubious conclusion that time and chronological integrity are grossly overrated.

Orientation has begun!! I am totally awed and yet feel so special to be part of this school: the O-team and their dedication to making this really a great time for us -- and then meeting my classmates, my section mates, my team mates and just anybody ...! It's just been a day and already a part of me is wondering "How the hell did I get here with all these smart people?" When Dean Sheppard was saying that "this is an amazing class", I had this weird feeling he was talking about everyone but me. Then I talked to my roommate and realised -- it's not just me! Then I felt that it's OK to be awed and rather stunned at where I have landed up. I am here now, and maybe I am not yet as "awesome" at I think the others are, but I am here because they think I CAN be. Certainly, no-one can go through this program and remain "ordinary" or "mediocre".

So in the section populated by a pianist, three drummers, a guy who had six fingers, an explosives specialist, a guy who trekked more than 2k miles and a lot more ( these are just the things that stuck to mind!!), I might not be the one that people remember-- but at the end of two years, maybe I can become someone whom they won't find easy to forget!