Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Here I go...

I'm doing the same thing every other admission-obsessed MBA aspirant is doing. I am reading MBA applicant and student blogs, scouring and blogs for itsy- bitsy details, lying awake at nights wondering what I am going to write in my essays, reading Richard Montauk like a bedtime story every night, bookmarking School websites containing information I need to remember. It's not even started yet and the application process is already taking over my life.

Yup, that's my introduction. I am MBA aspirant shooting for 2008 Fall.

There is so much to do! So much to consider, to understand, to decide. So many thoughts to organize and to channel. There is something very cleansing in putting thoughts into words -- I am hoping to find the answers to the really big questions in my soul searching with this blog. More than anything else, this is a way to connect with other MBA obsessed bloggers out there who will probably be the only ones who can understand and share the highs and lows of this momentous journey. That is to say that this blog the only hope I have to prevent my friends running in the opposite direction each time I open my mouth: because right now, the MBA admission process is all I seem to have to talk about :-).

Will I make it? I hope so. At the end of it, I know I will be a whole lot wiser than I am now. Maybe my blog would help someone as the applicant blogs for this year are helping me now. If nothing else, I know I will make friends here with similar dreams and aspirations and headed in the same directions. Here's to dreams -- and making them come true!

And so begins yet another MBA Applicant blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.